Sunday, February 3, 2008

Spanish Ted

I remember when Ted Kennedy's daddy had to buy his way back into Harvard.

The Sacramento Bee reports:

Sen. Edward Kennedy delivered a passionate speech at East Los Angeles College with a Spanish accent that the heavily Latino crowd surely had never heard before. Proclaiming that a vote for Illinois Sen. Barack Obama is a vote for the people, the white-haired, barrel-chested senator from Massachusetts cried out, “Un voto para Obama es un voto para la gente,” in a voice drenched with his classic Bostonian accent. He went on for several more sentences in Spanish and then stopped himself. “There may be people here who don’t understand my Spanish,” he said.

There is a reason why his Spanish is so poor. In 1951, he was tanking in a Spanish class, so he had a friend take the final for him. Harvard caught him and threw him out.

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