Thursday, March 13, 2008

guess I won't

Guess I won't be writing much until the election is underway again.. But I have been thinking, about McCain.. I am going to have to eat crow, please, make it a chocolate one.. I said I would never vote for him, but I suppose I will. I can't imagine anything worse than Hillary or O'Bama.. but I keep coming up with some awful scenarios in the privacy of my head. I want to ask McCain if he got shot down because he wanted to see if any one was going to shoot at him first.. I really got my bowels in an uproar over his criticizing the Rep for saying what he said about O'Bama. Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), who said Friday that "terrorists will be "dancing in the streets" if Democrat Barack Obama is elected president."

Well, I happen to agree with Mr. King, that this is probably the case. And the man is entitled to his opinion and to express it. But McCain wants to kowtow to the media since he didn't get on the lady that called Hillary a bitch, and the media got all over him. Well, it is not his place to correct people when they express their feelings.. even in or out of his presence.. He ain't my daddy, nor yours.

If someone in his campaign, staff or volunteers, says something he thinks is out of line, then he has a right to say something... But Mr. King, other than being a Republican, has nothing to do with McCain..

But now the media is pushing the race issue.. regard what Geraldine Ferraro said about O'Bama..
"If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman (of any color) he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept." Now, I take that as not a racist remark but, if anything, a sexist remark..

Everyone SWOONS over O'Bama. Now that is sexist.. but I do not see what they see in him.. those grape juice stained lips would turn me off right now.. Otherwise he isn't a bad looking man, but what really turns me off are his beliefs, his naivety, his inexperience, his communist policies/ideals.. pretty much the same thing that turns me off on Hillary.. is she getting fat? All the doughnuts and coffee she is consuming on the campaign trail I suppose.

Well, see ya later when the Democrat convention is over, if not before.. does that make sense ?? Hummmmmm

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