Tuesday, November 13, 2007

More on Global Warming, just thoughts

I was always told when investigating anything the best place to start is to follow the money. Then the branches.

So, NBC aired a piece about turning Green.. I believe turning green to them means money, don't you?

Anyway, GE has as much in their lobbying fund as all the oil companies put together, plus they have the outlet to persuade people to agree with them, called a media, we call it NBC.
  • Seems that GE has invested millions in those carbon dioxide whatcha call 'ems.. [carbon dioxide footprint credits] which right now are worthless, but if they can push the right legislation and get it passed will bring them billions. Plus they are heavily invested in the solar panel business, and those new mercury laden light bulbs.. and that is just the beginings of their investments and interest.
  • "World's Largest Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant to be Built with GE Investment and PowerLight Technology Press Release from PowerLight Corporation"
  • "GE was one of the first large American corporations to truly go green, with an "Ecomagination" portfolio that includes partnerships and investments in seemingly every possible green space. Its foresight has left GE positioned as a premier green market driver as the world energy market's buyers and vendors completely redefine themselves."
  • Mr. Walsh explains "I manage the renewable energy business within another business, Energy Financial Services (EFS), which has a $14 billion portfolio of investments, loans, and equity investments across the energy space. And I'm proud to say that renewables are the fastest growing segment of that business."
  • "Wind is where we see the biggest opportunity, and if you look back on our press releases, that's where most of our activity has been in the last few months."
  • "We closed recently on a hydro investment in British Columbia."
  • "We've got a number of biomass projects we're pursuing that we'll announce soon."
  • "We closed on a landfill gas acquisition recently; it's relatively small by our standards, but in that space it's pretty large."
  • "We bought the interest from our partner in a landfill gas project out in Glendale, California."

I think you get the idea.. follow the money trail. Who is to profit by manipulating the public and scaring the BEJESUS out of them?

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