Sunday, February 24, 2008

I share it with you

I came across this note on a blogger site.. This lady has it absolutely right!.. I hope she doesn't mind that I share it with you..

Yanno what really ticks me off about all of this?

Look, things in the military will never be perfect. It’s a huge friggin’ bureaucracy - paper upon paper, red tape upon red tape.


It sickens me to hear these people screaming about “shortages” during this administration.

Where the heck were they during the Clinton administration? They sure as heck didn’t give a damn then.

Hubs has served under Reagan, Bush, Clinton and Bush. You want to talk about horrid shortages, scrounging for weapons and ammo, horrid pay, horrid housing and medical care then lets talk about the Clinton administration and how the military was treated during that 8 years.

We were the red headed step child - treated like garbage, supplied like second or third class citizens.

When Bush came into office, it was like friggin’ Christmas. Pay was brought back up to levels that fell more in line with the general public. The falling apart equipment began to be replaced..etc.

People wonder why I get so friggin angry when people talk about staying home during this next election. I’ll be honest, I don’t give a dang about the “party” - I do give a dang that my husband and his brothers may be serving during a WAR under a party who has treated them like crap in the past and has done NOTHING to show that they won’t continue to treat them like worthless crap while they’re being friggin shot at and blown up in the future.

YES! I have an ulterior motive. I want my husband to have the best possible chance to come home from his next deployment ALIVE.

I don’t like or trust ANY politician, but historically, in our experience, the Republican party has taken better care of the military than the Democrats have.

Some of you people talk a great game - how much you care about and support the troops, but when push comes to shove, where will you be? Still talking or actually doing something about it?

Tink on February 22, 2008 at 10:08 PM

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