Thursday, August 7, 2008

Obama Welshes on Hillary Promise

Told ya that Obama would cut anyone's throat to get what he wants.. he knows no other way.
Obama Welshes on Hillary Promise

Hillary and Bill Clinton are privately fuming about the second-class treatment they have received from Democratic presumptive nominee Barack Obama.

When Obama and Hillary "kissed" and made up during their unity rally in June, both made a private pledge to each other to help raise $500,000 from their donors for the other's campaign.

Though deep in debt, Hillary quickly fulfilled her promise. But cash-rich Obama has yet to cough up the dough from his backers.

"Hillary has done her part in that regard," a Hillary adviser told Time. "Obama has not."

Then there was the warm and fuzzy call between Bill Clinton and Obama. Obama told Clinton he wanted to sit down with the popular former president, the most successful Democratic president since FDR. But Clinton aides say Obama has never followed up on the verbal invitation.

These and other details on the deteriorating Clinton-Obama relationship are laid out in a Time magazine report.

Bill Clinton's comments to ABC News are symptomatic of his and Hillary's icy relationship with Obama. Asked during his trip to Africa if Obama was qualified to be president, Clinton stubbornly refused to answer affirmatively.

A Hillary adviser told Time, "It's not a great relationship, and it's probably not going to become one."

Reportedly, Hillary seriously doubts that Obama can beat McCain come November. And she is thinking of keeping her name in nomination and demand a vote at the party's Denver Convention.

Hillary wants to remind voters and the media that she was the alternative to Obama, a important point that could be brought home on Election Day.

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