Monday, November 3, 2008

A Plea from William P. ( Bill ) Lear, Jr.

Subject: Straight talk for Republicans and Democrats.

Most Americans are aware of Bill Lear, because of his Lear Jet business; however, he has accomplished much more, as you can see at this link: William P. Lear -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia . His opinions are worth a read:

A Humble Plea to McCain and Obama Supporters:

Dear friends,

I am truly astonished by the ignorance Obama supporters have displayed
in their quest to get someone - ANYONE - into the White House. Now, wait
a minute. I can well understand your dislike or even hatred of our
clown, GWB,
but he is not the root cause of all of our problems. Our Congress
is. And a change there would be welcomed by all. You ain't gonna get
it done with Obama. You gotta fire the whole damnable crooked Congress.
(Read my book, "BERNIE'S WAR!").

Perhaps I'm looking at all of this from a different perspective than you
because my life experiences have been so different from yours. I'm
80-years old and have traveled the world where I've seen a great deal.
I spent five years on active duty as a fighter pilot in the USAF and
another seven years flying with the Air National Guard in California and Texas
as well as a few years flying in the USAF Reserve. I spent three years on
active duty in Germany flying Czech border patrol with "cold guns" in
aircraft inferior to the MIG during the Korean "Police Action" when it
was thought that Korea was a diversion for a Soviet invasion of Western

I lived abroad for a total of 28 years. Three years in Germany, twenty
years in Switzerland and five years in Great Britain where I was based
doing "spook" work for the U.S. behind the Iron Curtain before it fell.
During that era of the Cold War I ventured to Moscow, Prague, Warsaw,
Bucharest, Peshawar, Pakistan and Bulgaria posing as a Swiss
French-speaking arms dealer purchasing weapons we surreptitiously
supplied to the Afghani Mujahedeen in their successful fight against the Soviets all of which came back to haunt us.

I've been there and done that and have had close associations with top
government people in Germany , the Netherlands and Great Britain . I've
had more foreign affair experience than Obama could ever dream of and, yet,
wouldn't have the temerity to deign myself "Presidential" material;
although I feel eminently more qualified to judge who would NOT be best
for our country. My long-time world experience should count for
something in my plea to you to abandon this miscreant flake. You will only be
doing yourself and our country an enormous disservice if you persist in your
support of this flash-in-the-pan opportunist. On this, you MUST trust

I've associated closely with European royalty and African politicians.
I've traveled to the Far East to observe their cultures. My point is
that Obama, although formally well educated and a brilliant orator, is a
neophyte when it comes to understanding the world and is uniquely
unqualified for the job as President of these great United States . His
knowledge of economics is nil and his tax proposals absurd and
life-threatening to the U.S. not only in economic terms but in
preserving our national security as well.

I don't want a "citizen of the world" to be President, I want a citizen of the good old USA to be President.
Screw the rest of the world as they have well and truly screwed us. The time
has come for us to awaken and start looking after ourselves. Now THAT
would be CHANGE if that's what you're looking for.

While McCain has abstained from playing "the race-card", Obama is
playing it to the hilt even though he's technically not an African-American.
To qualify for this distinction you must be at least one-sixth black.
Obama is only one-eighth. His father would be, as he was one-sixth. No,
Obama is more Muslim than black yet he trades on his blackness.

The larger question I have about him is that we really don't know much
about him other than what HE tells us, what we read on blogs and from
some serious non-partisan investigators whose factual reports are,
unfortunately, generally ignored and which receive precious little
media exposure.

I, as a registered Independent, a military veteran and a patriot,
beseech you to put aside party considerations and vote for the lesser of the
two evils.
Yes, I am NOT a McCain supporter, but he is, at least, not a
flake, doesn't carry Muslim baggage and is a PROVEN hero and patriot
WITH experience. It's not a party issue. It's all about electing the best
we can trust with what we've got to work with. Mr. Obama is NOT that guy

Please, please rethink your voting position.
Thanks for reading my innermost thoughts. I care about all of you, but
I care more about our country. Please help me to do both.

William P. ( Bill ) Lear, Jr.

(386) 763-5051

1 comment:

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