Monday, January 21, 2008

McCain's Lazarus Routine

McCain's Lazarus Routine
Posted by Chuck Muth
January 14, 2008 at 1:44 pm

Many conservatives thought - hoped - that John McCain’s presidential campaign was dead beyond
revival last summer as, indeed, it appeared. Alas, his win in New Hampshire last week has resurrected his campaign corpse, so it’s time to remind everyone why nominating McCain, for conservatives anyway, would be the next worst thing to nominating Mike Huckabee.

In a Washington Post column yesterday, McCain adviser John Weaver had this to say about opposition to McCain’s candidacy by various conservative leaders such as our good friend and best friend of the American taxpayer, Grover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform:

“Here's who John McCain has angered: self-described conservative lobbyists who basically represent special interests. They're angry at him because he has put the national interest in front of their special interests.”

No, John McCain has put John McCain’s interests before the national interests of freedom and a
strictly-limited federal government.
McCain’s sole interest is in washing away the historical memory of his role in the Keating Five
scandal by replacing it with a presidential term or two.

The “special interests” which “conservative lobbyists” who oppose McCain advocate for include
those who value free speech, which was muzzled by the abominable McCain-Feingold law, those
who value gun rights and the constitutional right of self-defense, those who don’t think terrorists planning to kill millions of Americans should enjoy American constitutional rights, those who don’t buy into the hooey of Al Gore’s global warming hysteria, those who supported the Bush tax cuts which McCain voted against, those who don’t think it’s the federal government’s role to regulate professional boxing, and those who object to extending amnesty to illegal aliens.

In other words: conservatives.

Another McCain adviser, Charlie Black, told the Post that “In three or four weeks, everybody
will be for McCain.”

I can’t speak for the rest of you, but I won’t be. No way. No how.

If you really want to blow up the Republican Party, nominate McCain for president and have him
tap Huckabee for Veep. Then turn out the lights, because the party will be over.

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