Saturday, October 27, 2007

Comment on this morning's thoughts

What I wanted to get into this morning, before I went off on a tangent, was about the recall of politicians.
I think that is an outstanding idea.
I wonder if we can recall judges too, and appeal judges that have life time jobs. Maybe someone will take the time to find that out and let me know. Or, one day I will get around to researching it myself. Maybe no, on the appeal judges, because then that would leave the Supreme Court wide open and we know they would be hit everyday with recalls.. so, that doesn't make sense. But the elected judges... look OUT!

We would need a bunch of Leon Drolets to handle all the recalls. Then again, the American people would quickly lose interest in the recalls and not even know what or why they were recalling someone, nor would they care. We go back to stimulating interest.

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