Saturday, November 17, 2007

One Thing and Another

Last night my son sent me a picture he took. That prompted me to go searching for a picture of the same thing... I found one.. please notice the "expression" on the face. The first one is not a happy camper being held by the tail. The second, the one my son sent, has a smilie face, in anticipation of his frog for dinner.. Well the second picture didn't come out as I had planned. Let me try again, see if I can fix it. Nope, not right now.. will post it anyway and see if I can fix it later. Maybe you can make out the detail when it is posted. Yep, just click on the picture!

Did you watch the debates last night? Poor Edwards. He let Hillary have it and then she put him back in his corner. She "admonished him for “mud-throwing.” Because you are not allowed to challenge New York’s Junior Senator, her rivals and the press back off, let her have her zone of delicate flower womanhood, while she rolls over all of them. If anybody raises questions about her positions or the fact that she’s flip-flopped or that she’s incapable of standing for anything beyond her own ambitions, they are accused of throwing mud, victimizing a woman, and “swiftboating.”

Senators Joe Biden and Chris Dodd—the most seasoned guys on the stage—-just shake their heads in disbelief that they’re losing to this hack.
Can't you see it when the we really get down to election time! She is going to be the poor picked on woman, because she is a woman, and the issues will mean nothing. Again, she will play the part of "Victim".. to the hilt.
The Republican opponent is going to have rough going.
Where oh where is John Wilkes Booth or Lee Harvey Oswald or Charles J. Guiteau or Leon F. Czolgosz when we need them? I shouldn't say such things should I? No, guess not. But it might get her out of her misery. Poor lady.

Speaking of the UN... Have you seen this?

United Nations to Approve
Flawed Global Warming Report

CHICAGO, Illinois - November 16, 2007) Earlier today, political delegates to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) agreed to a "synthesis" document that summarizes three scientific reports finalized this year on climate change science, impacts, and responses. It is expected the report will be officially adopted by the United Nations on Saturday, November 17.

Experts contacted by The Heartland Institute offered the following background information and comments about the IPCC process and the "synthesis" document. You may quote from this statement or contact the experts directly at the phone numbers and email addresses provided below.

"IPCC is neither an objective nor authoritative panel. IPCC participants are politically selected by participating United Nations members. Many IPCC participants are not even scientists. Lead authors include the staff of far-left activist groups such as Environmental Defense and Greenpeace.

"IPCC's 2,500 participants pale in comparison to the 19,000-plus scientists who have signed their names in agreement with a powerful rebuttal of alarmist global warming theory. This scientific summary, available at, exposes the flawed and biased IPCC conclusions.

"Indeed, IPCC itself is deeply split on the final IPCC report. IPCC reviewers submitted literally tens of thousands of criticisms, dissents, and suggested corrections that the relatively small number of lead authors who control the final report refused to incorporate into the final document.

"This IPCC report is little more than the consensus of a relatively small number of lead authors and government bureaucrats who feel free to ignore the true science."

James M. Taylor
Senior Fellow
The Heartland Institute

"It is amazing that any sensible scientists can put mathematical models and selective data ahead of common sense to understand that man has little measurable impact on his climate, and no possibility whatsoever of altering in a controlling manner.

"It sounds silly to say, 'it's the sun, stupid," but when one looks at variations in the sun's intensity, cosmic rays, solar winds, Earth's elliptical orbit, the changing declination of Earth's axis, and similar heating patterns on Mars and the moons of Jupiter, it is difficult to take seriously any group of people who arrogantly believe mankind is a controlling influence.

"It reminds one of Copernicus's difficulty in convincing the church that the Earth revolved around the sun, rather than the reverse."

Jay Lehr, Ph.D.
Science Director
The Heartland Institute

I am getting fed up with O'Reilly's stuff... he asks a guest a question and the guest says 10 words and O'Reilly says, I know all that, and you are wrong, now I believe blah blah blah and I am right you know. The listener/watcher never hears what the guest has to say. With Hannity and Colmes 4 of them get to talking at once and you can't hear any of them. I told hubby the other day, if I ever go to trial over something be sure you put Colmes on the jury... he is one of the real believers in "Judge not least ye be Judged" Of course we are told we are going to be Judged ... on Judgment Day. Anyway, I found Glenn Beck. He is on Headline News.. At least he lets his guest talk.

I am reading an interesting book.. "Blacklisted by History", by M. Stanton Evans. It is interesting, not a real adventure page turner, but it does have a bit of that too. Maybe we will find out that our "liberal leftist" really are RED. Maybe some really don't even know it.

Over in Deming they are having a big Rally.. sounds very interesting. I wish we would have one here just like it.
The agenda for this rally is threefold:

We are going to speak on the importance of third political party candidates;
* why the false adage of "wasting your vote"
is a political ploy to stop the people from getting involved and keeping the sheep in their pens--you will leave with a new attitude and possibly even get a little irritated by the truth.

* You will also learn what the U.N. through their Agenda 21 program is doing in our schools to not educate, but indoctrinate our children and what we must do to stop these things from happening.

* You will learn what the difference in a democracy and a republic; you will learn the difference between rights and privileges.
Which do you have? after this Freedom Rally, you will know.

Huge sigh..

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